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  • Writer's pictureSigma 787 Studio

In these unprecedented times, we are all having to adapt to the 'new normal. For businesses, this means rethinking the way they operate, from how they interact with customers to how they package and ship their products. With social distancing measures still in place, many companies are now relying on e-commerce and home delivery to stay afloat. This has put packaging design on the front line in the fight against COVID-1

Good packaging design has always been important, but never more so than now. In a world where we are increasingly reliant on home delivery, packaging has to work harder than ever to protect its contents and stand out from the competition. Here are some of the ways that packaging design is rising to the challenge. At Sigma 787 Studio, we can help to produce 3D models and 3D solutions for your creative works.

1. Create a Focal Point

When it comes to packaging, one of the most important things to keep in mind is the need to create a focal point. This can be done in a number of ways, but some of the most effective include using bold colors, interesting textures, and eye-catching graphics.

Creating a focal point on your packaging will help to make it more memorable and distinctive, which is essential in today’s competitive marketplace. So, if you’re looking for ways to make your packaging stand out, be sure to keep the importance of a focal point in mind.

With so many products on the shelves, you want your product to stand out. Creating a focal point will help the consumer's eye to be drawn to your product.

With so many products on the shelves, you want your product to stand out. Creating a focal point will help the consumer's eye to be drawn to your product. Here are 10 creative ways to design your packaging:

1. Use bright colors.

2. Use interesting shapes.

3. Use different textures.

4. Use a die-cut.

5. Use a clear window.

6. Use foil stamping.

7. Use embossing.

8. Use a unique closure.

9. Use a special finish.

10. Use a creative design.

2. Use Bright Colors

Adding bright colors to your packaging is a great way to make it stand out from the competition. It can also help to convey the message of your brand in a more eye-catching way. When using bright colors, it is important to consider how they will work together with the other design elements of your packaging. For example, you may want to use a brighter color for the background if your product is white or light-colored. If you are using a lot of graphics or text on your packaging, you may want to use a softer, more muted color palette to make sure that everything is easy to read. Whatever colors you choose, make sure that they work well together and that they help to create the overall look and feel that you are

Often, bright colors are associated with happy feelings. Incorporating bright colors into your packaging will help create an emotional connection with the consumer.

Often, bright colors are associated with happy feelings. Incorporating bright colors into your packaging will help create an emotional connection with the consumer. Bright colors can help your product stand out on store shelves, and can also convey a sense of fun and playfulness. If your product is targeted towards children or families, bright colors can be a great way to appeal to your target market. When designing your packaging, consider ways to incorporate bright colors in a way that is consistent with your brand identity.

3. Use Unique shapes

When it comes to packaging design, one of the best ways to make your product stand out is to use unique shapes. This can help your product to catch the eye of potential customers and make it more memorable. There are a few different ways to go about this.

One option is to use a unique shape for the overall package. This could be something like a hexagon or a triangle. Another option is to use a unique shape for the individual items in your package. This could be something like a heart or a star.

Finally, you could use a combination of both unique shapes and traditional shapes. This could involve using a traditional shape like a rectangle for the overall package, but then using a unique shape for the individual

Unique shapes

There are endless possibilities when it comes to designing your packaging. You can go for a more traditional look, or get creative and experiment with unique shapes. Here are 10 creative ways to design your packaging:

1. Use unique shapes to make your packaging stand out. You can experiment with different geometric shapes, or even create your own custom shapes.

2. Incorporate die-cuts into your design. This is a great way to add visual interest and texture to your packaging.

3. Use different materials to add dimension to your packaging. Try using cardboard, paper, or even fabric to create a one-of-a-kind look.

4. Get creative with your colors.

At Sigma 787 Studio, we can help to produce 3D models and 3D solutions for your creative works.

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