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  • Writer's pictureSigma 787 Studio

Online shopping is an $8 trillion industry and it’s only getting bigger. In fact, by 2021 it’s expected to reach $479 trillion. And with the pandemic, we’ve seen an even bigger surge in eCommerce with people buying everything from groceries to clothes online. But even with this growth, there are still some challenges that eCommerce businesses face. One of the biggest is how to create a truly immersive and engaging shopping experience that can compete with the in-person experience.

This is where web augmented reality comes in. By using AR, you can give your customers a realistic preview of your products in their own space. This not only helps with the decision-making process but also creates a more fun and engaging shopping experience. In this blog post, we’ll show you how web augmented reality can increase sales and improve the online shopping experience. As Sigma 787 Studio, we can help to produce AR models and AR solutions for your creative works.


Web augmented reality has the potential to increase sales and improve the online shopping experience by providing customers with a more immersive and realistic experience. By allowing customers to view products in 3D and interact with them in a virtual environment, web augmented reality can make the online shopping experience more engaging and fun. Additionally, web augmented reality can provide customers with more information about products, such as size, dimensions, and materials, which can help them make more informed purchase decisions.

How Web-Augmented Reality Can Benefit Online Stores:

Web augmented reality can increase sales and improve the online shopping experience by providing customers with an immersive and interactive experience. This can allow customers to try on products, see how they look in different environments and get a better sense of scale and proportion. Additionally, web augmented reality can help customers understand how a product works and how to use it, which can increase confidence and encourage purchase. Overall, web augmented reality has the potential to greatly improve the online shopping experience and increase sales for online stores.

Increase in Sales:

With the increasing popularity of online shopping, many retailers are looking for ways to improve the customer experience and increase sales. One way to do this is by using web augmented reality. This technology can provide customers with a more realistic view of products, which can help them make better purchase decisions. Additionally, augmented reality can also be used to provide customers with interactive experiences, such as virtual try-on or tours of products. This can help increase engagement and conversion rates. By providing a more immersive and interactive experience, web augmented reality can help increase sales and improve the online shopping experience.

Improved Shopping Experience:

Web augmented reality has the potential to increase sales and improve the online shopping experience by providing a more immersive and interactive experience for shoppers. By allowing shoppers to virtually try on products or see how they would look in their homes, web augmented reality can provide a more personal and engaging shopping experience that can lead to increased sales. In addition, augmented reality can also help shoppers to better understand products and make informed decisions about purchases. By providing more information about products, augmented reality can help shoppers to make better choices and find the perfect items for their needs.

How Web Augmented Reality Works:

Web augmented reality can increase sales and improve the online shopping experience by providing a more immersive and realistic shopping experience for users. By allowing users to view products in a more realistic setting, web augmented reality can give users a better idea of how the product will look and function in their own homes. This can lead to increased sales as users are more likely to make a purchase if they are able to see how the product will fit into their own lives. Additionally, web augmented reality can improve the online shopping experience by making it more interactive and engaging. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as repeat business.

The Technology:

Web augmented reality is still in its early developmental stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize online shopping. By allowing customers to see how products would look in their homes or on their bodies, web augmented reality could increase sales and improve the online shopping experience. Additionally, web augmented reality could help customers make more informed decisions by providing them with more information about products. For example, web augmented reality could provide information about the materials used in a piece of furniture or the dimensions of a piece of clothing. As web augmented reality technology develops, it has the potential to change the way we shop online for the better.

The Implementation:

Web augmented reality (AR) can increase sales and improve the online shopping experience by providing a more immersive and interactive experience for shoppers. AR can be used to provide a virtual tour of a product, allowing shoppers to see how it would look in their home or office before they make a purchase. AR can also be used to provide interactive product demonstrations, allowing shoppers to see how a product works before they buy it. By providing a more engaging and informative shopping experience, web AR can increase sales and improve the online shopping experience.

Web Augmented Reality has the potential to increase sales and improve the online shopping experience. It is a new and innovative technology that is still in its early stages:

Web Augmented Reality has the potential to increase sales and improve the online shopping experience by providing a more immersive and interactive experience for shoppers. This new technology is still in its early stages, but it has already shown promise in terms of increasing sales and engagement for online retailers. By allowing shoppers to see products in a more realistic and interactive setting, web augmented reality can provide a more engaging and enjoyable shopping experience that is more likely to lead to sales. In addition, this technology can also help shoppers to better visualize products and understand how they will look in their own homes or offices, which can lead to more informed purchase decisions. As Sigma 787 Studio, we can help to produce AR models and AR solutions for your creative works.

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